1. Jesus, Son of God, you are my Saviour.

2. Jesus, you are sufficient for me.

3. Lord Jesus, grant me the grace to praise you always and for everything.

4. Lord, fill me with the Holy Spirit you have promised to us.

5. Jesus, reveal to me your plans and your designs for me.

6. Lord lead me according to your plans.

7. Jesus I glorify you; Jesus I thank you.

8. Speak O!Lord, your servant is listening.( 1 Sam. 3:10)

9. For all my sorrows and tribulations, Lord I praise you.

Song: "Have thine own way Lord"

Why does God permit sufferings?

"He did this so that they would look for Him and perhaps find Him through Experiencing Him" (Acts. 17:27)


1. O! God, give me your light .

2. O!Lord, make me worthy to become your servant.

3. My Jesus, teach me to seek your will at all times and everywhere.

4. Lord Jesus, you are the goal of my life.

5. We praise you Jesus; We thank you Jesus! We glorify you Jesus.


" Come to me all who are weary and find life burdensome, and I will refresh you" (Mat. 11:28)

"Do not live in fear little flock, it has pleased your Father to give you the kingdom" (Luke 12: 32)

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